Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Burger King

As we all may know, advertisement is key to what cooperate America is. The U.S has had major changes in the way they advertise by exploiting nudity in the ads. Almost everything in the states is based on advertisement. Advertising is the biggest and best way to sell a product because it is viewed all over the world. If you wanted to buy tooth paste, there is an advertisement for that. If an individual was interested in some clothes, there is an advertisement for that. Wherever an individual goes, there will always be advertising. As we live our everyday lives, we start taking into consideration what these advertisements are trying to do. The BK super 7 inch advertisement represents a sexual advertisement. The lady has her mouth opened ready to put the 7 inch sandwich in her mouth. “It’ll blow your mind away.” By saying this along with the picture of the young lady opening her mouth waiting for the 7 inches to get in, it all represents a blow job. This type of advertisement attracts an audience, for the most part, men. In other words, this advertisement is saying that the sandwich is as good as a blow job. As a man, I think it is safe to say that a blow job is a good feeling. The lipstick on the girl’s lips represents feminine power. A strong woman that is capable of eating a man’s sandwich. It portrays the society we all live in today. By simply looking at the ad it makes me want to go to Burger King just so I can try the sandwich. Advertisements are most effective when they are used sexually. Everyone likes sex, and sex always attracts an audience. Sex will help sell the sandwich. Even if the sandwich did not taste good, the main message that is being sent out is about sex and how good it feels to get a blow job. These ads are wrong because they influence those who are younger, playing with their mind. It enables young men and women to think about sex at an unhealthy age.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Being a Muslim, it is an obligation to fast the month of Ramadan. During this holy month, a person cannot eat or drink from sunrise till sunset. It is a ritual to break a person’s fast by eating dates. Prophet Mohammad always used to break his fast by eating dates. Ever since then, it has been a very important tradition in Islam to have dates before breaking your fast. It is said that dates speeds up the metabolism making it healthiest to eat when a person first breaks their fast. In addition, dates are sweet. For those who do not know what a date is, it is a fruit. This fruit usually come from the desert. Some people say from Africa, other say from Asia. It is not just because of health that a person eats them, but they also are very delicious. I usually eat one, spit the seed out from the inside, and drink a glass of water. This being said, if dates taste good and very healthy to eat, should it not be served more at a breakfast table? Rather than eating waffles, pancakes, bacon, sausages, and boring cereal everyday, people should change the way they eat to better the health. When an individual eats pancakes, the only reason they eat them is so they can eat the syrup that is poured on them. If something is naturally sweet and speeds up the metabolism when a stomach is empty, and tastes good, it should be served more then often. Unlike pancakes, dates do not need syrup to make them sweet. They are naturally sweet. Considering how society has become obese and how people are now getting used to eating or living in the fast-food type of mentality, restaurants should start offering dates on their menu to give an awareness of how much health and what an individual eats is important. We would start seeing less obese people if people started caring about their health. Breakfast, as I have been told, has always been the most important meal of the day. If a person can start off the most important meal of the day, speeding up their metabolism by eating a simple date, it is most likely that this person will burn calories quicker than if they were to have bacon.